Andy The Doorbum & Justin Aswell – Intent (Album)

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Ziemlich kreativer Kram, welchen Andy The Doorbum & Justin Aswell da mit “Intent” veröffentlichen.

“Andy the Doorbum & Justin Aswell are two artists from Charlotte , NC’s inspiring music community who make music that is incredibly difficult to describe – just how we like it at Fake Four.

Though his earliest roots were in visual art, punk & bizarro lo-fi electronic home recording, Andy’s projects range from lush experimental folk to full scale theatrical performances that really have to be seen to be properly felt & understood.
Justin Aswell is a world renown hip hop / electronic producer recognized for his superhuman finger-drumming abilities & Maschine mastery.
Together they’ve made an album entitled “Intent” that we consider to be one of the most exciting of the year.
“Intent” has a combination of Andy’s growling, deep yet melodically intriguing singing and potent, existentialist lyricism over Justin’s brand of dark, heavy beats that remind us of something like a doom Portishead with more found sound & atmospheric elements.
This is a listen that’s highly recommended for Fake Four fans – it’s one of those boundary pushing, transcending projects that can bring a listener to another space. Hope you feel it like we do!”

Autor: ichselbst

Hüter des originalen DougEgen-Kopfes, Gründer dieser Seite, sowie Beisteuerer für Hawaii.FM und ehemaliger Chefredakteur vom DEAD Magazine.

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